“…You are born to one mother, but if you are lucky, you will have more than one. And among them all you will find most of what you need.”
(Clarissa Pinkola Estés, author of Women Who Run with the Wolves)
So many of our children are blessed to have several other mothers in their lives. Sometimes it’s a close family friend, sometimes it’s an auntie or a teacher. They come in many forms, providing another source of adult comfort and acceptance, of love without judgment, that helps anchor our children and give them a solid sense of values.
As Mothers’ Day approaches, we’d like to honor all those women who are there for our children unconditionally, who go to bat for them just as they would for their own children, who hurt for them when they hurt and celebrate with them when they soar, who see a unique talent and nurture it… these are women we consider family, and whom we love and cherish.
You know who you are.
A very special Happy Mothers’ Day to you!
(No recipe today! It’s our day off!)